A descriptive account of the situation in July 2023 was given by Michele Catanzaro in Science, 381, 258-259 (2023).
A technical description of VE's procedure by one of the victims is given here.
The link to the fund raiser is (PENAF). l 2

The 4 phases:

1. April 2020 - April 2021: online seminars on COVID research given in small groups.
2. April 28, 2021 - 16 February 2022: initiation and final dismissal by the Arbitration Court Lewiatan (there was no agreement).
3. February 2022 - October 2022: preparation of cases with PESA.
4. October 19, 2022: application of VE for enforcement of PESA decision by the Swedish Court of Appeal.
Upon request, a forged agreement was presented to the Court of Appeal on 20 April 2023.

For reference:

  • The Swedish Criminal Code (Brottsbalk)
  • Company stamps (more on company stamps, +)
  • Arbitration in Poland (+ Arbitration in Ukraine)
  • Bogus ChemRxiv, Ulf Levinsson, and Open Academic Press

    Everybody can e-mail and ask for their documents (aktbil+number). Be sure to write which case number you refer to and clearly state which documentation (which "aktbilaga") that you request sent to you.

    In the following are links to official documents that can be obtained from the Court of Appeal in Stockholm, case no. Ö12191-22.

           2021-Oct-28 Letter from Lewiatan (Poland)              
           2022-Dec-21 Enforcement letter from Swedish Court        Log Book        Extension to Feb 20
           2023-Jan-12 Early Response to Swedish Court        Emails describing their response        registered mails in Poland
           2023-Feb-13 Report of crimes to Swedish police        Material        Decision
           2023-Feb-20 Response to Swedish Court        Material        Settlement Offer
           2023-Mar-30 Letter to Polish Embassy        Material        Follow-up email of 2023-04-19
           2023-Apr-21 Response from Villa Europa        Material       
           2023-Apr-24 Request to Swedish Police for reconsideration        Response of 2023-May-08        Answer of 2023-Jun-01, Letter from 2023-May-24
           2023-May-11 Response from Swedish Court        Material        Apostille, 2023-May-22
           2023-May-25 Final opinion to the Swedish Court        Costs, Log Book        Rebuttal from Sienicki, Validation Statement of Arbitrator

    Graph of the litigation costs of Brandenburg's case in Stockholm (not part of the fund raiser):

    Catanzaro, M.: 2023, ``Costly invite? Scientists hit with massive bills after speaking at COVID-19 webinars,'' Science 381, 258-259 (DOI, PDF)

    Expertos en covid-19, en una trampa kafkiana (elPeriodico, 24 September 2023), by M. Catanzaro.

    Science editors pick their most memorable stories of 2023, by Matthew Warren, European News Editor.

    Continued activity:

           2023-Jul-28 Regarding move of Court to Ukraine        Material        PESA and VE websites removed after May 4 (2024-May-20)
           2023-Aug-21 Additional response to Svea HR        Material       
           2023-Aug-31 Response from VE        Material       
           2023-Sep-05 Apostille from VE        Material       
           2023-Sep-18 Regarding VAT numbers        Material       
           2023-Nov-16 Response from VE        Material       
           2023-Dec-11 special plea in Aktbil 101 from Dec 8        Material       
           2023-Dec-22: Invoice (Poland)        Material       
           2024-Jan-09 Swedish Police to the Rescue??        Material       
           2024-Feb-15 Final decision        Material        Dagens Juridik (2024-Feb-20)

    As of December 2023, there are three PESA cases with the Swedish Court of Appeal, who has still not ruled in any of them. There is also one case in Germany (Kammergericht in Berlin) and one in Spain at the Sala de lo Civil y Penal del Tribunal Superior de Justicia de Madrid. These all concern just civil cases, and the resulting litigation costs are not part of this fundraiser.

    In various countries, police reports have been filed, and the prosecutions in Sweden and Poland are now on the case. For more information, please contact This concerns the criminal case, which is not public. The litigation costs of this are part of this fundraiser. The fund will be used to support Piotr Lebek, a lawyer in Poland who is developing the case for the prosecution on Poland. The lack of background checks at the Court of Appeal in Sweden is potentially part of the investigation.

    E & A: 2024, ``Polskt bolag inrättade egen skiljedomstol - nekas få domar verkställda,'' Dagens Juridik (HTML, PDF)

    Catanzaro, M.: 2024, ``COVID-19 scientists who faced huge bills after speaking in webinars win in court,'' Science, 23 Feb 2024 (DOI, PDF)

    Supreme Court:

           2024-Mar-15 Appeal raised        Material       
           2024-Apr-03 Appeal completed        Material       
           2024-May-02 Appeal declined        Material       

    $Date: 2024/09/29 18:50:30 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.70 $