Turbulent magnetic decay controlled by two conserved quantities

by A. Brandenburg, & A. Banerjee

Run directories:

  • Data for Fig.1,
  • Data for Fig.2-3,
  • Data for Fig.4-6.

  • run_idl idl run directory.

    Description: readme.txt.


    Brandenburg, A., & Banerjee, A.: 2024, ``Turbulent magnetic decay controlled by two conserved quantities,'' J. Plasma Phys., to be submitted (arXiv:2406.11798, ADS, HTML, PDF)

    Brandenburg, A., & Banerjee, A.: 2024, Datasets for ``Turbulent magnetic decay controlled by two conserved quantities'' v2024.06.18. Zenodo, DOI:10.5281/zenodo.10527437

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    Axel Brandenburg
    $Date: 2024/06/18 04:59:20 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.3 $