Decay law of magnetic turbulence with helicity balanced by chiral fermions

by Axel Brandenburg, Kohei Kamada, & Jennifer Schober
paper.pdf and Supplemental Material.

Run directories:

  • Fig. 1: run_idl directory.
  • Run A (1024a_mu10_k002o_less).
  • Run O (1024a_mu10_k002o, the main run discussed in the paper).
  • Run B (1024a_mu10_k002o_more).

    Description: readme.txt.


    Brandenburg, A., Kamada, K., & Schober, J.: 2023, ``Decay law of magnetic turbulence with helicity balanced by chiral fermions,'' Phys. Rev. Lett., to be submitted (HTML)

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    Axel Brandenburg
    $Date: 2023/01/31 08:39:01 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.2 $