Re: LB17688 Decay law of magnetic turbulence with helicity balanced by chiral fermions by Axel Brandenburg, Kohei Kamada, and Jennifer Schober Dear Dr. Brandenburg, This manuscript has been reviewed by our referees. A critique from the reports appears below. Based on this we judge that the work probably warrants publication in some form, but does not meet the Physical Review Letters criteria of impact, innovation, and interest. In accordance with our standard practice (refer to memo noted below), this concludes our review of your manuscript. The paper, with revision as appropriate, might be suitable for publication in one of the topical Physical Review journals (e.g., Physical Review D) or Physical Review Research. The editors of that journal will make the decision on publication, and may seek further review. However, our complete file is available. In choosing the journal, please be aware that Physical Review Research is a fully open access publication and, thus, article publication charges would apply. If you transfer this manuscript, be sure to include the usual response to all referee comments and a summary of revisions made. Yours sincerely, Serena Dalena, Ph.D. (she/her/hers) Associate Editor Physical Review Letters Email: Follow us on Twitter @PhysRevLett NEWS FROM THE PHYSICAL REVIEW JOURNALS View PRL’s newly updated sectioning scheme Introducing PRX Life: a first-rate venue for quantitative biological research ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Report of Referee A -- LB17688/Brandenburg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- The authors have clarified a lot of issues with the first version of their manuscript. However, the novelty still remains in question. The adaptation of the Hosking integral by the addition of the chemical potential term could be important in some scenarios. The situation with zero total helicity (as defined in the paper) seems rather special. In generic situations, the magnetic helicity and the chemical potential won't cancel each other. I view this paper as an interesting study in MHD evolution, with a potentially important conservation principle, but have reservations about its physical applications. I do not recommend publication in PRL, but would urge the authors to publish the article in a more specialized journal. ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Second Report of Referee B -- LB17688/Brandenburg ---------------------------------------------------------------------- I have gone through the authors' reply and the revised manuscript. The authors now stress that the power-law decay of the magnetic helicity and the chiral chemical potential, found in this manuscript, has a significant impact on our understanding of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. If so, these results would be interesting and important, and should have been the main part of the Letter. The present manuscript, however, does not elaborate on how the power-law decay changes our understanding of the baryon asymmetry of the Universe. This manuscript rather looks a technical report of (routine, according to Referee A) simulation results, which is not very readable for non-experts. Therefore, it lacks physical significance and novel innovations, and I cannot recommend its publication in Physical Review Letters. FORMS AND MEMOS: Please see the following: Resubmittal Policy Physical Review Letters