Proofs correction of April 14 (still valid): Page 5. right column, in Ref.[32], replace "(unpublished)" -> "arXiv:2304.06612" Additional proofs corrections of May 1: Lines 104+105: delete ", which here is the case for values of $R$ that are comparable to or less than $\xiM$" Replace Figure 1 by the corrected one: rspec_select_HoskM_1024a_mu10_k002b.eps (Here, just a subscript 5 has been added in the lower inset.) Replace Figure 2 by the corrected one: psaff_1024a_mu10_k002b_rr.eps Replace the caption to Figure 2 by: $I_{\rm H}(t)$ normalized by its initial value. The inset shows ${\cal I}_{\rm H}(R,t)$ versus $R$ at different times $t$: solid lines correspond to $t=70$, 200, 700, 2000, 7000, and 20,000, which are also marked by selected colored symbols in the graph of $I_{\rm H}(t)$. The adopted Hosking integral is evaluated as $I_{\rm H}(t)={\cal I}_{\rm H}(R_*,t)$. The vertical dashed-dotted line marks the value $k_0 R_*=100$ where the curves show a plateau. The slopes $\propto R^2$ and $\propto R^3$ are also marked by dashed-dotted lines. Replace the text between lines 182 and 213 by: In \Fig{psaff_1024a_mu10_k002b}, we plot the adopted Hosking integral $I_{\rm H}(t)$, normalized by its initial value. It is evaluated as $I_{\rm H}(t)={\cal I}_{\rm H}(R_*,t)$ with $k_0 R_*=100$, where ${\cal I}_{\rm H}(R,t)$ is shown in the inset at different times as functions of $R$. Note that $I_{\rm H}(t)$ is essentially flat and shows only toward the end a slight decline $\propto t^{-0.12}$, which is similar to what has been seen for other simulations at that resolution; see, e.g., Ref.~\cite{Bra23}. Thus, the adopted Hosking integral appears to be well conserved -- even better so than the Hosking integral in ordinary MHD, studied in Refs.~\citep{Hosking+Schekochihin21, Zhou+22}. There is not even the slight uprise $I_{\rm H}(t)$ reported in Ref.~\citep{Zhou+22}, which was there argued to be due to strong non-Gaussian contributions to the field that emerged during the nonlinear evolution of the system. Note also that for $R\ll R_*$, we see ${\cal I}_{\rm H}(R,t)\propto R^2$, which is shallower than the expected cubic scaling. This might change at larger resolution, although an intermediate range $\propto R^2$ is also seen in Fig.~4(d) of Ref.~\citep{Zhou+22}, before cubic scaling emerged for $R/2\pi<10^{-4}$. Remove Ref. [33], which is now no longer being quoted. Because of this, and since the old [32] is not quoted later, we have [32] --> [37] [34]-[38] --> [32]-[36] [39]-[42] --> [38]-[41]