Response to queries: 1. OK 2. no further updates 3. no further updates FQ: the funding information is correct (as provided). For "Swedish Research Council", the Swedish verion in parenthesis is usually being found. "No. (C) JP19K03842" belongs to "JSPS KAKENHI", not to "Swedish Research Council". Other changes: Line 2: add ORC ID for Jennifer Schober: 0000-0001-7888-6671 Between lines 115 and 116, insert an equation number "(4)" for the first of the two equations and renumber (4) -> (5). Line 121: replace "use of Eq. (4)" -> "use of Eqs. (4) and (5)" Line 132: make the d in dk italics (twice). Between lines 179 and 180, replace (5) -> (6) Line 202, replace (5) -> (6) Line 252: make the d in "d \ln" italics (4 times). We have uploaded a revised Fig.1, in which the y-label of the first inset has been corrected.