Dear Michael, Your letter looks great. Here a question and a comment. On page 2 of your letter, at the top, you write "(bilaga 4, dokument översända den 25 januari 2021)" Where does the date come from? The dates on the letter in that attachment are 28 October 2021. The signatures are May 2020. (Incidentally, this is a poor copy of the scanned document that I sent Thomas on Mon, 16 Jan 2023 under the name "SKM_C30822122915540.pdf" [3.6MB].) On Tue, 24 Jan 2023, there were 3 emails from me to you. In the first one (at noon), I sent you a 2-paged document with what I called "photographic evidence of the non-existence of this court". Maybe you missed it, or maybe you didn't want to include it. I felt that the photos together with my friend's description were quite striking. In case you want to assemble to evidence in a different way, I send you herewith the figures separately. If you want to ask him directly for permission, his name and email are: Krzysztof Mizerski . Regarding "privatpersoner runtom i Europa", I'm working on a document (European_Cases.pdf, attached) describing various cases. I can clean this up, when needed. Many cases are not as hot as the 4 cases in Sweden; the others being Henrik Hult, Bjorn, and Bin Jian. One exception is perhaps the case in Slovenia (she and her university lawyer were present in the zoom session of January 25). In any case, in the letter to the insurance, some more details could be mentioned (number of cases in Sweden and Europe), but maybe there is a reason you want to avoid this, because it would allude to our intention to press charges in Poland, which my insurance might not want to cover. Cheers, Axel Attached: photos from PESA, and European_Cases.pdf ~/GitHub/Axel/cases/European_Cases.pdf