On April 8, 2020, I was contacted by "Matteo (Matt) Ferensby" (on behalf of the scientific committee) and asked to present a talk in the On-line Symposium "COVID-19 by the Numbers, Modes, Big Data, and Reality" on what was then to be April 15 through 16, 2020. This person gives as his address the University of Warsaw. There is a question who "Matteo (Matt) Ferensby" actually is. He has no scientific record and was not present during the meeting that took finally place on April 24. There were 10 presentations on that day. I have been in touch with all of the participants during November 2021. All presenters have in common that they had papers on the arXiv, an online preprint platform; see below. In hindsight, there is also doubt that the person "Anne Adamchewsky", who introduced herself as "a secretary/office person to the COVID-19 colloquium" really exists. (Another scientist, who gave a talk on another day, wrote me on Nov 4, 2021 that this person uses the face of another person.) She emailed me on May 13, 2020 saying that "I forwarded to you via traditional postal service some paperwork to be signed before (copyright, etc. issues)." (It is unclear what "before" refers to.) On May 24, 2020, she wrote "The youtube.com service requires us to clear the copyrights and publication issues, therefore please return our paperwork as soon as possible." The URL of the recording was given in that email and already publicly available at that time. I did sign their paperwork, but, because my institute (Nordita) moved into another building, I didn't keep any copies. I can therefore not confirm that it contained anything about any expenses, which was never mentioned anyway. But, according to a letter from "Sad Arbitrazowy Lewiatan" dated 28 October 2021 there is a 3-paged document with my signature at the end where it says "All participants - natural persons - of the Debate April 24th, 2020 agree ... to furnish to the organizer a net two thousand seven hundred eighty five euro to cover editorial work and open access publication required for the debate proceedings." In fact, reference to signed documents presented by "Villa Europa" should be taken with care. In the case of another participant, falsification of signed documents have been reported. In hindsight, there is no clear connection between who is meant by the organizers, the names "Matteo (Matt) Ferensby" and "Anne Adamchewsky", and "Villa Europa" that is mentioned in the signed document. Failure to doing so is intentional deception. Evidence of fraud: (i) Email threads of April - September 2020 (16 pages) all indicating standard correspondence that is expected in connection with other online meetings and the requests to publish recordings online. If the intent was to request payment, this should have been mentioned. (ii) The document with my signature, which only mentions in *words* "two thousand seven hundred eighty five euro" instead of "2785.- euro". The fact that this is hidden in a 3-page long document is evidence of attempted deception. In fact, I am not aware of any skype recording of a scientific presentation where the author has to pay. (iii) The statement "All participants ... of the Debate ... agree ... to furnish ..." is wrong. None of the other 9 speakers of that day have agreed to or performed any payment, nor have the speakers of other days paid them anything. (iv) Email correspondences showing that only scientists from the EU have been approached for payment. None of them have paid anything, Yet the recordings of all talks has been publicly available since April 2020 under https://www.youtube.com/@vvoip_theoretical_geograph821 Below the contact details of witness scientists involved in the conference and the arXiv numbers of their papers presented at the meeting (my own paper is: https://arxiv.org/abs/2002.03638). Witnesses: 1. Victoria Lopez , https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.09874 The comparison of trends in Spain and the Netherlands: a Dynamical compartment model of the transmission of Coronavirus Has been approached by them, but has not reacted or paid anything. 2. Alessio Muscillo , https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.14239 Covid19: unless one gets everyone to act, policies may be ineffective or even backfire Has been approached by them, but has not reacted or paid anything. 3. Ranga Rao Venkatesha Prasad , https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.11920 A simple Stochastic SIR model for COVID 19 Infection Dynamics for Karnataka: Learning from Europe 4. Ali Nasseri , https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.13221 Planning as Inference in Epidemiological Models Has *not* been approached. 5. Anand Sahasranaman , https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09715 Network structure of COVID-19 spread and the lacuna in India's testing strategy [He and this email no longer seem to be active.] 6. "V.K. Jindal" , https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.09912 COVID 19, a realistic model for saturation, growth and decay of the India specific disease Has *not* been approached. 7. Sebastian Goncalves , https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.09032 Trend analysis of the COVID-19 pandemic in China and the rest of the world Has *not* been approached. 8. Josimar Edinson Chire Saire , https://arxiv.org/abs/2008.11344 Data Mining Approach to Analyze Covid19 Dataset of Brazilian Patients Has *not* been approached. 9. Marco Paggi , https://arxiv.org/abs/2004.08207 Simulation of Covid-19 epidemic evolution: are compartmental models really predictive? Has participated, but has not provided any feedback to me yet. 10. Marco Baiesi , https://arxiv.org/abs/2010.03416 Modelling the deceleration of COVID-19 spreading Has participated in another session by the same organizers. His university identified falsifications in signed documents returned by Villa Europa. 11. Francesco Piazza , https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.06031 Analysis and forecast of COVID-19 spreading in China, Italy and France Has participated in another session by the same organizers and has been approached by them, but has not reacted to any requests. 12. Giada Adelfio , https://arxiv.org/abs/2009.03712 Spatial Bayesian Hierarchical Modelling with Integrated Nested Laplace Approximation Has participated in another session by the same organizers and has been approached by them, but has not reacted to any requests. 13. Silvia Ullo , https://arxiv.org/abs/2011.05808 AIRSENSE-TO-ACT: A Concept Paper for COVID-19 Countermeasures based on Artificial Intelligence algorithms and multi-sources Data Processing Has participated in another session by the same organizers and has been approached by them, but has not reacted to any requests. The 13 people above can act as witnesses showing that the indentation of the organizers is predatory.