*Recognition and enforcement of foreign arbitration awards, etc.* *Section 52* An arbitration award delivered abroad is considered foreign. For the purposes of this Act, an arbitration award is deemed to have been rendered in that country where the proceedings are based. *Law (2018:1954)*. *Section 53* A foreign arbitration award based on an arbitration agreement is recognised and is enforced in Sweden, unless otherwise follows from §§ 54-60. *Section 54* A foreign arbitration award is recognized and not enforced in Sweden, if the party against whom the arbitration award is invoked shows 1. that according to the applicable law, the parties lacked authority to enter the arbitration agreement or were not properly represented or that the arbitration agreement is invalid according to the law which according to the agreement of the parties shall applied or, in the absence of any direction to that effect, under the law of the country where the arbitral award has been made, 2. that the party against whom the arbitration award is invoked is not in the correct order notified of the appointment of the arbitrator or of the arbitration proceedings, or for any other reason has not been able to execute his claim, 3. that the arbitration award deals with a dispute that was not intended or covered by the parties' request for arbitration, or that the arbitration contains a decision on a matter that falls outside the arbitration agreement, however, shall, if decisions on a matter covered by the assignment can be distinguished from decisions which falls outside the terms of reference, the part of the arbitration that is covered by the terms of reference recognized and enforced, 4. that the appointment of the arbitration board or its composition or the arbitration procedure is contrary to what the parties have agreed or, if there is an agreement to this effect absent, against the law of the country where the proceedings have had their seat, or 5. that the arbitration award has not yet become binding on the parties or that it has been removed or its enforcement has been postponed by an authorized person authority in the country where it was notified or under whose law it has notified. *Law (2018:1954)*. *Section 55* A foreign arbitration award is also not recognized and enforced, if the court finds 1. that the arbitration award includes examination of an issue, as according to Swedish law may not be decided by arbitrators, or 2. that it would be manifestly inconsistent with the grounds of the legal system in Sweden to recognize or enforce the arbitration award. *Section 56* The application for enforcement of a foreign arbitration award is made to Svea Court of Appeal. The original or certified copy of the arbitration award must be attached to the application. If unless the Court of Appeal decides otherwise, a certified translation of the whole must also be provided the sentence to the Swedish language is entered. *Section 57* The application for enforcement may not be granted without the other party having given the opportunity to speak. *Section 58* If the other party objects that an arbitration agreement has not been reached, the applicant must hand in the original or certified copy of the arbitration agreement and, if the court of appeal does not determines otherwise, certified translation into the Swedish language, or in another language way to show that an arbitration agreement has been entered into. The other party objects that a request has been made to set aside the arbitration award or on postponement of its enforcement by the authority referred to in § 54 § 5, the Court of Appeal may postpone the decision and, if the applicant requests it, impose the other party to provide reasonable security in the event of a penalty to be decided upon enforcement may otherwise be notified. *Section 59* If the Court of Appeal approves the application, the arbitration award is enforced as a Swedish one court's final judgment, unless the Supreme Court on appeal of the Court of Appeal's decision determines otherwise. *Section 60* Has a security measure according to ch. 15 the procedural code has been granted, shall, when applying section 7, be equated with the same chapter as the cause of action a request for arbitration abroad which may result in an arbitration which recognized and enforceable here. After the application for enforcement of a foreign arbitration award has been made, it arrives it is up to the Court of Appeal to hear a request for a security measure or whether annulment of such decision.