Hi Michael, Thanks for your response of 25 April. I've now seen what you mean. Yes, I would agree that this document is a fabrication. As I said earlier, the PESA website was registered by Villa Europa on 2021-09-28, which is 1 year after the portrayed agreement. Am I right that Svea HR has never been in approached by "PESA", so we only know about PESA through Sienicki, right? In response to our attempts to discredit PESA, as Sienicki wrote, one should therefore ask Sienicki to produce evidence of its existence. This might also be a way of seducing him to further falsification! Independent of the position of Svea HR, I feel there are strong grounds to pursue my allegations in Sweden that Sienicki has intentionally made and presented wrong claims to Svea HR. In your email of April 11, you wrote "it would also be necessary to investigate if the falsified documentation at the Court of Appeal is a crime by itself." Do you know how serious such a crime would be in Sweden? Is it anything like 10 years in prison, as I wrote in my letter of April 24 to the Swedish police? Incidentally, in your email of April 11, you also wrote "We can ask the prosecutor to retry the decision of the police to not investigate further." Aren't the prosecutor and the police independent authorities? To my understanding, no prosecutor in Sweden has been involved yet (the decision was taken by Maja Gall, a forundersokningsledare, as it says in their letter of February 14), but having a prosecutor involved should be a goal. This prosecutor would then need help from Poland, but it doesn't seem right that I should be financing this through Piotr, for example. (If so, I should present this point also to Piotr.) I have some more questions. First, is the present level of suspicion sufficient to have the prosecutor investigate falsification of the documents presented to Svea HR? Second, regardless of Sienicki's claim that I agreed to PESA, is there any legal requirement on its physical existence, or would it be sufficient to have PESA in Sienicki's home office at Topolowa 19? To Piotr, it was important that Bin Jiang's employer in Gavle did pay money through Kronofogden, and that this trail should be investigated. However, Kronofogden said the case is closed and is thus withholding evidence. It could be useful to approach the employer with a request to cooperate with us. I realize that we have been continuously drifting from the initial task of providing the response of February 20 to Svea HR toward the preparation of a criminal investigation in Sweden (independently of my report to the Polish police). You have been kindly providing me with advice along the way. What do I (or hopefully Nordita) owe you for that? And how should I proceed with the task of ensuring that a criminal investigation also happens? At some point, I'd like to know whether the Swedish police has even registered my "Request of reconsideration". How can I find out without trying to call them (which takes too long)? Cheers, Axel On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 09:02:38AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > Hi Axel, > > The alleged agreement (appendix 1 to Villa Europa's latest statement) stipulates that the "Pan-European Arbitration Court" shall try disputes which is what Villa Europa refer to as "PESA" (paragraph 5). However, our perception is that this is a fabrication. If you don't recognize this version of the agreement, then that is what I think we should say to the court. > > I will ask Thomas if he has any ideas regarding the potential funding of the lawyer in Poland. > > Best regards, > > Michael Erici > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm > Webpage I Privacy Policy > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > Från: Axel Brandenburg > Skickat: den 25 april 2023 10:53 > Till: Michael Erici > Kopia: Thomas Ekenberg > Ämne: Re: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > But is "PESA" actually written there? I can't find it. > (According to the Web information, it only started existing in September 2021, and the style of text in this "Agreement" > is more like that of the October/November document of 2021. > > Given that it becomes important (potentially even for my own defense, to claim that PESA really doesn't exist) that we involve Poland, I wonder whether I can somehow get my director to agree paying the "start-up" sum of ~40*100=4000 Euro. It isn't so much, but really not well justified as my personal duty. > If you have an argument (or even would be able to talk with > him) that would help. Also, what about my idea about external foundations that could support this type of work? Another idea is to have ones own foundation through which money could be raised (and potentially be redistributed back to the European victims if successful). > Axel > > On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 08:18:12AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > Hi Axel, > > > > Villa Europa refers to the agreement stipulating that PESA is the legitimate institute to try disputes. However, there also is the agreement that we presented which mentions names such as Niels Obers that stipulates that disputes shall be tried by the district court. Both agreements are supposedly signed on the same date (30th September 2020) and covers the same costs regarding debate fee and editorial work. > > > > Regarding the prosecutor, yes in both Sweden and Poland my perception is that the prosecutor and police shall follow up on a crime and assist the victim ad hoc. That being said, since we don't practice Polish law dr. Piotr is more suitable to answer the questions regarding the Polish prosecutor. > > > > Best regards, > > > > Michael Erici > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I Privacy > > Policy > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > Skickat: den 25 april 2023 09:57 > > Till: Michael Erici > > Kopia: Axel Brandenburg ; Thomas Ekenberg > > > > Ämne: Re: Sv: Sv: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > > > Hi Michael, > > So is the idea that I signed 2 documents, where the second one includes names such as Niels Obers and Rector A. Soederbergh Widding? > > This would indeed be very strange. But I also don't see anything about PESA there. To judge whether something is faked or not, some experts must look at the originals. In any case, we have the emails of August 2020 that said that talked about the cat spilling the old documents and that I needed to sign again. > > > > Regarding help from the prosecutor, are talking about the Polish one? > > Axel > > > > On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 07:23:53AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > > Hi Axel, > > > > > > The documentation shall be communicated to us formally. Based on this communication we can see if the court wants us to make another written opinion. If the court were to consider ruling in favor of Villa Europa the court will most likely ask us to comment on their last statement and evidence. > > > > > > The agreement I'm referring to is the attached appendix which they claim is the agreement giving PESA legitimacy to try disputes. However, this agreement is supposedly signed on the same day as another agreement that we already presented to the court (attached). Both agreements cover the same alleged costs. Do you recognize the signature of the agreement that is appendix 1 or is this a fabrication from Villa Europa? > > > > > > I believe that Svea Court of Appeal should conclude that PESA is not legitimate based on all the different versions of the agreement and other suspicious circumstances that we presented, like Villa Europa's connection to the PESA web page etc. However, if the court were to deem PESA legitimate of course the prosecutor is another way to go after Villa Europa. Of course, normally one should be able to get assistance from the prosecutor and police in prosecuting a crime without the assistance of a lawyer. > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > Michael Erici > > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I Privacy > > > Policy > > > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > > Skickat: den 24 april 2023 23:04 > > > Till: Michael Erici > > > Kopia: Thomas Ekenberg > > > Ämne: Re: Sv: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > > > > > Hi Michael and Thomas, > > > > > > > We have now requested and received Villa Europa's written opinion > > > > in the case from the Court of Appeal. We have not yet formally > > > > been sent the documents from the Court of Appeal and therefore we > > > > don't have a set date to make a response. > > > > > > Is is clear that we will be asked to respond, or is it possible that Svea HR takes a decision on their own? > > > > > > > My opinion is that Villa Europa's written opinion is disorganized, > > > > and they mostly repeat what they already said in the case. > > > > > > Isn't this also what Sienicki says about us? > > > > > > > However, they have also presented what they claim to be the > > > > arbitration clause, which supposedly was signed on the 30th of > > > > September 2020. However, we already provided the Court with a > > > > document that was signed on the 30th of September 2020 that states > > > > that the district court in Poland shall try disputes (please see, > > > > "bilaga 4- skrivelse från Villa Europa"). This makes me believe > > > > that the agreement provided by Villa Europa at this point is false > > > > and a fabrication. In Björn's case we also have strong indications > > > > that the document provided by Villa Europa is a fabrication! > > > > > > Isn't the agreement they talk about their Appendix 3? If I understand correctly, they acknowledge that I didn't receive it, and they also talk about a 2 months deadline, which I naturally didn't obey. > > > > > > > Do you recognize the alleged agreement provided by Villa Europa? > > > > > > Do you mean their Appendix 3? Signed by Anna Martyniuk? I've seen the name before, but I'm not sure what this document should prove. > > > > > > Unless Svea HR recognizes this PESA business as fake, and if our arguments and pieces of evidence are not convincing to Svea HR, it seems that our only hope is to continue the investigation in Poland and to find out more about the arbiters. But with 40*100 Euro, one wonders whether there are cheaper ways of doing it. > > > > > > The hope is that the prosecutor would regard this as a high-profile case and continue the investigation without the need for lawyers from our side in Sweden. What do you think? > > > Axel > > > > > > On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 12:15:50PM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > > > Hi Axel, > > > > > > > > We have now requested and received Villa Europa's written opinion in the case from the Court of Appeal. We have not yet formally been sent the documents from the Court of Appeal and therefore we don't have a set date to make a response. > > > > > > > > My opinion is that Villa Europa's written opinion is disorganized, and they mostly repeat what they already said in the case. > > > > > > > > However, they have also presented what they claim to be the arbitration clause, which supposedly was signed on the 30th of September 2020. However, we already provided the Court with a document that was signed on the 30th of September 2020 that states that the district court in Poland shall try disputes (please see, "bilaga 4- skrivelse från Villa Europa"). This makes me believe that the agreement provided by Villa Europa at this point is false and a fabrication. In Björn's case we also have strong indications that the document provided by Villa Europa is a fabrication! > > > > > > > > Do you recognize the alleged agreement provided by Villa Europa? > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > > > Michael Erici > > > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I Privacy > > > > Policy > > > > > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > > > Skickat: den 24 april 2023 12:15 > > > > Till: Michael Erici > > > > Kopia: Thomas Ekenberg > > > > Ämne: Re: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > > > > > > > Thanks, Michael, for this suggestion. I have now added this heading; see the attached file. I'll print and put it into the outbox in 1 hour. > > > > Cheers, Axel > > > > > > > > On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 07:29:11AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > > > > Dear Axel, > > > > > > > > > > Thank you for your e-mail. > > > > > > > > > > Thomas and I think the information in the request are fine. However, we suggest that you have clear heading defining the request ("Begäran om prövning av polisbeslut" or "Request of reconsideration"). > > > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > > > > > Michael Erici > > > > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > > > > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > > > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > > > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I > > > > > Privacy Policy > > > > > > > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > > > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > > > > Skickat: den 23 april 2023 19:15 > > > > > Till: Michael Erici ; Thomas > > > > > Ekenberg > > > > > Ämne: draft for Swedish police > > > > > > > > > > Hi Michael and Thomas, > > > > > I have now drafted a letter for the Swedish police; see the attached pdf file. I'd need to send it via snail mail. My understanding is that they would need to get back to me if/when they need more information. > > > > > If they decide not to reopen the case, then at least I know that they have not overlooked my allegations. > > > > > If you have any suggestions, let me know! > > > > > Cheers, Axel > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 09:02:38AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > Hi Axel, > > The alleged agreement (appendix 1 to Villa Europa's latest statement) stipulates that the "Pan-European Arbitration Court" shall try disputes which is what Villa Europa refer to as "PESA" (paragraph 5). However, our perception is that this is a fabrication. If you don't recognize this version of the agreement, then that is what I think we should say to the court. > > I will ask Thomas if he has any ideas regarding the potential funding of the lawyer in Poland. > > Best regards, > > Michael Erici > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm > Webpage I Privacy Policy > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > Från: Axel Brandenburg > Skickat: den 25 april 2023 10:53 > Till: Michael Erici > Kopia: Thomas Ekenberg > Ämne: Re: Sv: Sv: Sv: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > But is "PESA" actually written there? I can't find it. > (According to the Web information, it only started existing in September 2021, and the style of text in this "Agreement" > is more like that of the October/November document of 2021. > > Given that it becomes important (potentially even for my own defense, to claim that PESA really doesn't exist) that we involve Poland, I wonder whether I can somehow get my director to agree paying the "start-up" sum of ~40*100=4000 Euro. It isn't so much, but really not well justified as my personal duty. > If you have an argument (or even would be able to talk with > him) that would help. Also, what about my idea about external foundations that could support this type of work? Another idea is to have ones own foundation through which money could be raised (and potentially be redistributed back to the European victims if successful). > Axel > > On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 08:18:12AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > Hi Axel, > > > > Villa Europa refers to the agreement stipulating that PESA is the legitimate institute to try disputes. However, there also is the agreement that we presented which mentions names such as Niels Obers that stipulates that disputes shall be tried by the district court. Both agreements are supposedly signed on the same date (30th September 2020) and covers the same costs regarding debate fee and editorial work. > > > > Regarding the prosecutor, yes in both Sweden and Poland my perception is that the prosecutor and police shall follow up on a crime and assist the victim ad hoc. That being said, since we don't practice Polish law dr. Piotr is more suitable to answer the questions regarding the Polish prosecutor. > > > > Best regards, > > > > Michael Erici > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I Privacy > > Policy > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > Skickat: den 25 april 2023 09:57 > > Till: Michael Erici > > Kopia: Axel Brandenburg ; Thomas Ekenberg > > > > Ämne: Re: Sv: Sv: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > > > Hi Michael, > > So is the idea that I signed 2 documents, where the second one includes names such as Niels Obers and Rector A. Soederbergh Widding? > > This would indeed be very strange. But I also don't see anything about PESA there. To judge whether something is faked or not, some experts must look at the originals. In any case, we have the emails of August 2020 that said that talked about the cat spilling the old documents and that I needed to sign again. > > > > Regarding help from the prosecutor, are talking about the Polish one? > > Axel > > > > On Tue, Apr 25, 2023 at 07:23:53AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > > Hi Axel, > > > > > > The documentation shall be communicated to us formally. Based on this communication we can see if the court wants us to make another written opinion. If the court were to consider ruling in favor of Villa Europa the court will most likely ask us to comment on their last statement and evidence. > > > > > > The agreement I'm referring to is the attached appendix which they claim is the agreement giving PESA legitimacy to try disputes. However, this agreement is supposedly signed on the same day as another agreement that we already presented to the court (attached). Both agreements cover the same alleged costs. Do you recognize the signature of the agreement that is appendix 1 or is this a fabrication from Villa Europa? > > > > > > I believe that Svea Court of Appeal should conclude that PESA is not legitimate based on all the different versions of the agreement and other suspicious circumstances that we presented, like Villa Europa's connection to the PESA web page etc. However, if the court were to deem PESA legitimate of course the prosecutor is another way to go after Villa Europa. Of course, normally one should be able to get assistance from the prosecutor and police in prosecuting a crime without the assistance of a lawyer. > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > Michael Erici > > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I Privacy > > > Policy > > > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > > Skickat: den 24 april 2023 23:04 > > > Till: Michael Erici > > > Kopia: Thomas Ekenberg > > > Ämne: Re: Sv: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > > > > > Hi Michael and Thomas, > > > > > > > We have now requested and received Villa Europa's written opinion > > > > in the case from the Court of Appeal. We have not yet formally > > > > been sent the documents from the Court of Appeal and therefore we > > > > don't have a set date to make a response. > > > > > > Is is clear that we will be asked to respond, or is it possible that Svea HR takes a decision on their own? > > > > > > > My opinion is that Villa Europa's written opinion is disorganized, > > > > and they mostly repeat what they already said in the case. > > > > > > Isn't this also what Sienicki says about us? > > > > > > > However, they have also presented what they claim to be the > > > > arbitration clause, which supposedly was signed on the 30th of > > > > September 2020. However, we already provided the Court with a > > > > document that was signed on the 30th of September 2020 that states > > > > that the district court in Poland shall try disputes (please see, > > > > "bilaga 4- skrivelse från Villa Europa"). This makes me believe > > > > that the agreement provided by Villa Europa at this point is false > > > > and a fabrication. In Björn's case we also have strong indications > > > > that the document provided by Villa Europa is a fabrication! > > > > > > Isn't the agreement they talk about their Appendix 3? If I understand correctly, they acknowledge that I didn't receive it, and they also talk about a 2 months deadline, which I naturally didn't obey. > > > > > > > Do you recognize the alleged agreement provided by Villa Europa? > > > > > > Do you mean their Appendix 3? Signed by Anna Martyniuk? I've seen the name before, but I'm not sure what this document should prove. > > > > > > Unless Svea HR recognizes this PESA business as fake, and if our arguments and pieces of evidence are not convincing to Svea HR, it seems that our only hope is to continue the investigation in Poland and to find out more about the arbiters. But with 40*100 Euro, one wonders whether there are cheaper ways of doing it. > > > > > > The hope is that the prosecutor would regard this as a high-profile case and continue the investigation without the need for lawyers from our side in Sweden. What do you think? > > > Axel > > > > > > On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 12:15:50PM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > > > Hi Axel, > > > > > > > > We have now requested and received Villa Europa's written opinion in the case from the Court of Appeal. We have not yet formally been sent the documents from the Court of Appeal and therefore we don't have a set date to make a response. > > > > > > > > My opinion is that Villa Europa's written opinion is disorganized, and they mostly repeat what they already said in the case. > > > > > > > > However, they have also presented what they claim to be the arbitration clause, which supposedly was signed on the 30th of September 2020. However, we already provided the Court with a document that was signed on the 30th of September 2020 that states that the district court in Poland shall try disputes (please see, "bilaga 4- skrivelse från Villa Europa"). This makes me believe that the agreement provided by Villa Europa at this point is false and a fabrication. In Björn's case we also have strong indications that the document provided by Villa Europa is a fabrication! > > > > > > > > Do you recognize the alleged agreement provided by Villa Europa? > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > > > Michael Erici > > > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I Privacy > > > > Policy > > > > > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > > > Skickat: den 24 april 2023 12:15 > > > > Till: Michael Erici > > > > Kopia: Thomas Ekenberg > > > > Ämne: Re: Sv: draft for Swedish police > > > > > > > > Thanks, Michael, for this suggestion. I have now added this heading; see the attached file. I'll print and put it into the outbox in 1 hour. > > > > Cheers, Axel > > > > > > > > On Mon, Apr 24, 2023 at 07:29:11AM +0000, Michael Erici wrote: > > > > > Dear Axel, > > > > > > > > > > Thank you for your e-mail. > > > > > > > > > > Thomas and I think the information in the request are fine. However, we suggest that you have clear heading defining the request ("Begäran om prövning av polisbeslut" or "Request of reconsideration"). > > > > > > > > > > Best regards, > > > > > > > > > > Michael Erici > > > > > Associate/Biträdande jurist > > > > > > > > > > +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 > > > > > michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se > > > > > Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Webpage I > > > > > Privacy Policy > > > > > > > > > > All services are subject to general terms and conditions available on the webpage. All personal data is processed in accordance with the privacy policy. This e-mail is confidential and may contain legally privileged information. It is intended only for the addressees. If you have received this e-mail in error, kindly notify us immediately by telephone or e-mail and delete the message and all copies. > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > -----Ursprungligt meddelande----- > > > > > Från: Axel Brandenburg > > > > > Skickat: den 23 april 2023 19:15 > > > > > Till: Michael Erici ; Thomas > > > > > Ekenberg > > > > > Ämne: draft for Swedish police > > > > > > > > > > Hi Michael and Thomas, > > > > > I have now drafted a letter for the Swedish police; see the attached pdf file. I'd need to send it via snail mail. My understanding is that they would need to get back to me if/when they need more information. > > > > > If they decide not to reopen the case, then at least I know that they have not overlooked my allegations. > > > > > If you have any suggestions, let me know! > > > > > Cheers, Axel > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > >