Google translation from: On the basis of fictitious judgments, they extorted PLN 23 million from companies. Ten people have been charged. Ten people were charged, including for the use of fictitious enforcement titles in the form of judgments of the Independent International Court of Arbitration Binar with its seat in Warsaw and extortion of over PLN 23 million from commercial companies | Photo: Tomasz Jastrzebowski/REPORTER / Reporter The case was handled by the Wielkopolska Branch Office of the National Prosecutor's Office in Poznań. Prosecutor Karol Borchólski from the Press Department of the National Prosecutor's Office informed PAP about the indictment. Estonian and Finnish citizens were charged - Ten people have been charged with for the use of fictitious enforcement titles in the form of judgments of the Independent International Court of Arbitration Binar with its seat in Warsaw and extortion of over PLN 23 million from commercial companies, explained attorney Borchólski. Among the defendants are the originators of the procedure, Estonian citizen Sven S. and Finnish citizen Gerard M. and their accomplices. The allegations included an employee of one of the banks, from whom the defendants obtained information on companies from the fuel and electronics industries that had tax arrears. Also accused is a legal advisor who prepared pleadings for criminals used to extort money. The Poznań prosecutor's office initiated an investigation after the company Petro Invest Plus S.A. reported that in February 2015 it received a decision of the District Court in Poznań "on appending an enforcement clause to the judgment of the Independent International Court of Arbitration Binar with its seat in Warsaw". The bailiff was supposed to enforce claims in a case in which the Estonian company Andvens Invest OU with its registered office in Tallinn was the creditor. However, "Petro Invest Plus S.A. has never entered into cooperation with this company," the prosecutor's office said. The proceedings were extended when it turned out that at the beginning of 2015, representatives of other companies from which someone tried to extort or had extorted money came to prosecutor's offices in the country. The method of operation was the same as in the case of Petro Invest Plus S.A. The prosecutor's office established how the procedure of "legalizing" the decisions of the non-existent Binar Court of Arbitration looked like. "Before submitting the application to the selected bailiff, the perpetrators, on the basis of forged documents, obtained from the competent district court a decision on recognition of the arbitration award and giving it an enforcement clause. This document was then sent to the bailiff's office for enforcement proceedings," the National Prosecutor's Office reported. In the course of the proceedings, it was also traced what happened to the money extorted from the companies. According to prosecutor Karol Borchólski, the bailiff transferred funds to bank accounts controlled by Sven S., and then they were paid in cash or transferred to the account of the company in Helsinki, registered in the name of the wife of the second of the main defendants, Gerard M. According to the investigation findings The defendants allegedly took similar actions against 57 companies related to the fuel or electronics industry in 2013-2016. On the other hand, the two main originators of the procedure - Gerard M. and Sven S. - were supposed to extort over PLN 23 million from 11 companies from August 2014 to February 2015. The investigation was international. "Close cooperation was established with the Prosecutor General's Office of the Republic of Estonia and with the law enforcement authorities of Finland, which provided evidence relevant to the case," the National Prosecutor's Office said. The main defendants face sentences of up to 10 years in prison.