Hi Michele, > I would also be grateful if you could share with me the contacts of your > Swedish lawyer and the Polish one that you are consulting. Here my two Swedish lawyers: Thomas Ekenberg Partner/Advokat +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 8 463 07 53 thomas.ekenberg@ekenbergandersson.se Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm Michael Erici Associate/Biträdande jurist +46 8 463 07 50 I +46 70 255 80 54 michael.erici@ekenbergandersson.se Nybrogatan 6 I P.O. Box 7500 SE-103 92 Stockholm The Polish lawyer (but I have not [yet] officially engaged him yet, because I'm not sure how to support him, as discussed) & his assistant: Dr. Piotr Łebek "r.pr. dr Piotr Łebek" Dariusz Hryniów > I will also truy to approach the Swedish and Polish police's press offices. > If you could send me some coordinates of who you have contacted in each one > of the two police (eg. the names of the specific agents, or the location of > the police offices) that would help. The person who signed the original closure of the case on February 14, 2023. My case number is: 5000-K174994-23. On May 8, she wrote me "The prosecutor is looking at your case." Maja Gall "maja.gall@polisen.se" > As agreed during the call, I would be grateful if you could help me with > the following: Here a list of events that were pre-pandemic: 2018 May 2- 5, "1st Debate on Förster Resonance Energy Transfer and Beyond" Dec 6- 8, "Interpretations on Quantum Theory" 2019 Feb 22-23, "Free Will" Apr 4- 7, "2nd Debate on Förster Resonance Energy Transfer and Beyond" May 17-18, "1st Time and Flow" May 24-25, "Analog Computing Returns" Sep 6- 7, "2nd Quantum Theory Interpretations Debate" (Part I) Nov 6- 7, "2nd Quantum Theory Interpretations Debate" (Part II) Dec 6- 7, "2nd Time and Flow" > --the list and dates of events carried out by "Ferensby" since the > beginning of the pandemics 2020 Apr 24, "1st Debate COVID-19 by the Numbers, Models, Big Data, and Reality" May 15, "2nd Debate COVID-19, Forecast and Prediction" Jun 26, "3rd Debate COVID-19, Forecast and Prediction" Jul 24, "4th Debate COVID-19, Forecast and Prediction" Sep 18, "5th Debate COVID-19, Forecast and Prediction" Oct 23, "6th Webinar COVID-19: Forecast and Prediction" Nov 20, "7th Webinar COVID-19: Forecast and Prediction" Dec 18, "8th Webinar COVID-19: Forecast and Prediction" 2021 Jan 22, "9th Webinar COVID-19: Forecast and Prediction" Feb 19, "10th Webinar COVID-19: Forecast and Prediction" 2023 Jan 13, "Theoretical Geography - 2022 Overview " > --the updated link with the documents It is still in progress, but here is already the most important material http://norlx65.nordita.org/~brandenb/VE/ > --the website with the costs of the conference mentioned by Sienicki in > the reply to the swedish court I'll let you know when I find the link. > --the similar case shared with you by the Polish lawyer Here it is: https://businessinsider.com.pl/wiadomosci/na-podstawie-fikcyjnych-wyrokow-wyludzili-ze-spolek-23-mln-zl-dziesiec-osob-uslyszalo/xzj1srf > --the names and possibly contacts of the two other affected Swedish researchers Henrik Hult } (\"O~11558-2) Bj\"orn Johansson (\"O~4652-22) in addition to Bin Jian. As I said, there is now also a Court case in Germany (Kai Nagel) > > --in I document in which you summarize your experience, I spotted this > > sentence: "On August 24, 2020, Anne wrote “my cat walked on the table and > > spilled coffee” and I would need to sign." I don't understand the meaning > > of the sentence. Could you kindly explain? She indicated, that she wants me to sign the document again. There followed email correspondence about not having been able to deliver their letters to me. Eventually, I got the letter, signed & returned it, without keeping a copy. I strongly doubt that it was the letter that is now used as evidence, which I think was actually fabricated. Hope this helps. Axel