8th Webinar COVID-19: Forecast and Prediction, December 18th - 19th, 2020. Lecturer Name Lecture Title 1 Álvaro Leitao Rodríguez, University of a Coruña, Spain A stochastic θ-SEIHRD model: adding randomness to the COVID-19 spread. 2 Patrizio Colaneri, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy Covid-19 in Italy: SIDARTHE and beyond. 3 Andrzej Jaszkiewicz, Poznań University of Technology, Poland Modified Dorfman procedure for pool tests with dilution - COVID-19 case study. 4 Nathalie Bajos, Institute of Health and Medical Research, France When lockdown policies amplify social inequalities in COVID-19 infections. Evidence from a cross-sectional population-based survey in France. 5 Björn W. Schuller, University of Augsburg, Germany Hearing COVID-19 with Computers. 6 Emmanuelle Augeraud-Véron, Université de Bordeaux, France Rational social distancing and the spread of COVID-19 in France. 7 Matti Estola, University of Eastern Finland, Finland How Covid-19 Pandemic Changes the Theory of Economics? 8 Clifford Federspiel, Vigilent, USA A Healthy Buildings Guideline for the COVID-19 Pandemic and Beyond. 9 Laura Liu, University of Virginia, USA Panel Forecasts of Country-Level Covid-19 Infections 10 Adriana Reyna, University of Zaragoza, Spain Virus spread versus contact tracing: two competing contagion processes.