3rd Debate COVID-19, Forecast and Prediction, June 26th - 27th, 2020 Lecturer Name Lecture Title 1 Francesco Piazza, CNRS-Orleans COVID-19: The unreasonable effectiveness of simple models. [34] 2 Martijn J. Hoogeveen, Open Universiteit Pollen Explains Flu-like & Covid-19 Seasonality: developing a predictive model [35] 3 Henrik Hult, KTH Estimates of the proportion of SARS-CoV-2 infected individuals in Sweden [36] 4 Reyer Garlagh, Tilburg University Closed-Form Solutions for Optimal Social Distancing in a SIR Model of COVID-19 Suppression [37] 5 Frncesco Piazza, CNRS-Orleans COVID-19: The unreasonable effectiveness of simple models 5 Maziar Nekovee, Sussex University Understanding the spreading patterns of COVID-19 in UK and its impact on exit strategies. [38] 6 Benjamin Ambrosiom, Universite du Havre On a coupled time-dependent SIR models fitting with New York and New-Jersey states COVID-19 data [39] 7 Konstantinos Gkiotsalitis, U of Twente Optimal frequency setting of metro services in the age of COVID-19 distancing measures [40] 8 Beatrize Soane, Sorbonne Université A Scaling Approach to Estimate the COVID-19 Rate of Infections. 9 Bernateta Cerrutti, Independent Did lockdowns serve their purpose? [40] 10 Olivier Johnson, Bristol University Social Sensors to Monitor COVID-19 South American Countries 11 Subir Dar, JNCASR Spread of COVID-19: How robust are the universal features? [42] 12 Andrew Hart, University of Chile An agent-based model for COVID-19, lockdown in Santiago and the reproduction Matrix [43]