2nd COVID-19 Forecast and Prediction - May 15th -16th, 2020 Lecturer Name Lecture Title 1 David S. Jones, Harvard University History in a Crisis—Lessons for Covid-19 [25] 2 Christofer Brandt, Universität Greifswald Transparent comparison and prediction of corona numbers [26] 3 Gaetano Perone, University of Bergamo An Arima Model to Forecast the Spread and the final size of COVID-2019 Epidemic in Italy [27] 4 Keno Krewer, Max Planck Institute Time-resolving an ongoing outbreak with Fourier analysis [28] emailed Mischa Bonn on May 14. 5 Gerry Killeen, University College Cork Pushing past the tipping points in containment trajectories of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) epidemics: A simple arithmetic rationale for crushing the curve instead of merely flattening it. [29] 6 Michael Li, University of Alberta Why it is difficulty to make accurate predictions of COVID-19 epidemics? [30] 7 V.K. Jindal, Panjab University COVID-19 Primary and secondary infection as order parameter – a unifying global model. [31] 8 Ashis Das, World Bank Rapid development of an open-access artificial intelligence decision support tool for CoVID-19 mortality prediction. [32] 9 Fulgensia Mbabazi, Busitema University A Mathematical Model Approach for Prevention and Intervention Measures of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda. [33] --- Dear Gerry, The case is still relevant. In the meantime, not only 3 courts in Sweden have been asked to enforce the arbitration award from this "Pan-European court", but now also one in Germany. You participated in the session of May 15, 2020, right: 1 David S. Jones, Harvard University, History in a Crisis—Lessons for Covid-19 2 Christofer Brandt, Universität Greifswald, Transparent comparison and prediction of corona numbers 3 Gaetano Perone, University of Bergamo, An Arima Model to Forecast the Spread and the final size of COVID-2019 Epidemic in Italy 4 Keno Krewer, Max Planck Institute, Time-resolving an ongoing outbreak with Fourier analysis 5 Gerry Killeen, University College Cork, Pushing past the tipping points in containment trajectories of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome 6 Michael Li, University of Alberta 7 V.K. Jindal, Panjab University, COVID-19 Primary and secondary infection as order parameter – a unifying global model. 8 Ashis Das, World Bank, Rapid development of an open-access artificial intelligence decision support tool for CoVID-19 mortality prediction. 9 Fulgensia Mbabazi, Busitema University, A Mathematical Model Approach for Prevention and Intervention Measures of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Uganda. Do you recognize this and could it be that others from that session got also contacted? Axel