1st COVID-19 by the Numbers, Models, Big Data, and Reality - April 24th - 25th, 2020 Lecturer Name Lecture Title 1 Victoria Lopez, Madrid University A COVID-19 mathematical model based on Flow Networks and SIR. [15] 2 Axel Branderburg, KTH Stockholm Piecewise quadratic growth during the 2019 novel coronavirus epidemic. [16] 3 Alessio Muscillo, University of Sienna Disease spreading in social networks and unintended consequences of weak social distancing. [17] 4 Marco Paggi, IMT School, Lucca Simulation of Covid-19 epidemic evolution: are compartmental models really predictive? [18] 5 Venkatesha Prasad, Delft University A simple Stochastic SIR model for COVID-19. [19] 6 Ali Nasseri, British Columbia University Planning as Inference in Epidemiological Dynamic Models. [20] 7 Anand Sahasranaman, Imperial College London Data and models of COVID-19 in India. [21] 8 V. K. Jindal, Penjab University COVID-19 – a realistic model for saturation, growth and decay of the India specific disease. [22] 9 Sebastian Gonçalves, Physics Institute Trends and Urban scaling in the COVID-19 pandemic. [23] 10 Josimar Chire, ICMC Brasil Social Sensors to Monitor COVID-19 South American Countries. [24]