10th Webinar COVID-19: Forecast and Prediction, February 19th - 20th, 2021. Lecturer Name Lecture Title 1 Gerit Pfuhl, The Arctic University of Norway Identifying Resilience Factors of Distress and Paranoia During the COVID-19 Outbreak in Five Countries. 2 Mario Natiello, Centre for Mathematical Sciences, Lund, Sweden A model of COVID-19 Transmission in Relation to Sanitary Policies: Myths and Facts. 3 Kristian Schneider, University of Applied Sciences, Mittweida, Germany The Vaccine has Arrived - Now What? Modeling COVID-19 Vaccination Strategies. 4 Alexandre Nicolas, Institut Lumière Matière (University of Lyon), France Model-based Estimation of the Risks of Viral Transmission in Non-confined Crowds and Assessment of the Efficiency of Redesigning Strategies 5 Sara Gandini, Istituto Europeo di Oncologia, Italy No Evidence of Association Between Schools and SARS-CoV-2 Second Wave in Italy. 6 Philippe Wanner, University of Geneva, Switzerland Regional Impact of Covid-19 on Mortality Levels in Switzerland. 7 Jose L. Sainz-Pardo and José Valero, Universitas Miguel Hernández, Spain An Extensive Computational Experience is Reported Simulating the Distribution of Tests Among the Counties of New York and Measuring its Effectiveness. 8 Monica Billio and Michele Costola, Università Ca’ Foscari, Venezia, Italy COVID-19 Spreading in Financial Networks: A Semiparametric Matrix Regression Model. 9 Juri Dimaschko and Vladimir Shlyakhover, Retired professor and Ashkelon Barzilai Medical Center, Israel. Superspreading as a Regular Factor of the COVID-19 Pandemic: III. Stopping the Epidemic with and without Vaccination. 10 Venkatesha Prasad and Asutosh Simha, Delft University, The Netherlands Modelling of Respiratory Droplets Produced by Coughing in Relation to SARS-Cov-2 Transmission.