Hi Michele, You copied me on your meeting agreements with Michael and Piotr, but I suppose this is just for information, or do you want me to be present, possibly for a fraction of the time? I guess it is best if you just talk with them, but let me know what you think. I just head from Piotr that he himself prefers me to be present. Incidentally, I had an idea how you could try to make your contact with Sienicki as smooth as possible. You could call his number, say that you are a science writer and want to talk to Matt Ferensby about COVID conferences. Most likely, he will say that he is no longer working there, but whatever he says will reveal something. You could also ask about Anne Adamchewsky and Anja Muller. What do you think? When the discussion about these people comes to an end, you could ask him about the Lewiatan and PESA courts. Eventually, you'd also ask about his own law suits. Another important point to clarify about the Swedish court (and now also the German court) is whether there is (or is not) any background check. You could also confront them with my letter of January 12 and ask why this did not raise any concern. You could tell Lina Wogel that your readers will not understand the current facts. (i) Did they not bother to click on https://who.is/whois/pesa-court.org (ii) Or if they did, why is this not relevant? Do they think the information on https://who.is/whois/pesa-court.org is wrong? Or do they think the suing Villa Europa is different from the Villa Europa who registered the court? It would be important for the reader to have a *plausible* answer. The only plausible answer I have is what my lawyer Thomas Ekenberg told me already at our first meeting on January 17: it has never happened in Sweden before that there is a court that doesn't exist. Therefore, a background check was simply not needed. You could ask Lina Wogel whether there has been any such a case in Sweden. You could then also tell her about "Petro Invest Plus S.A." (see my conversation with Piotr Lebek). Given that, even 4 month after my letter, the Swedish court continues to treat PESA as something proper, one must wonder whether the Swedish and German courts would ever have any scruples in helping a potential criminal in playing this costly game with members of the scientific community. This seems to be me an appropriate leitmotif for your article! It would be interesting to have the view of the Swedish and German courts on this. One might even want to inquire whether these courts have neglected any professional duties. Regarding Lewiatan, they did not come back to me. I'll call them again on Monday if I don't hear anything. Regarding the Polish police, Krzysztof Mizerski called them and wrote "I talked to Mr Adam GrykaƂowski from the police, that's the actual name, and nothing is happening on this case, and as he said, nothing will, because you are Swedish and it is a case for Swedish police. I am sorry, but looks like the police everywhere just tries to minimize their work. Anyway, he advised, that you could simply make a notification to the prosecutor's office in Sweden, then the police would be obliged to react." Clearly, your involvement seems to have encouraged Piotr Lebek and he seems willing to get the case himself to the state prosecutor without me paying anything!