Effective wavenumbers
→ Working material: k_effective/,
k_effective.tar.gz [untar this file by
typing tar zxf k_effective.tar.gz].
For those of you who have access to Axel's cvs repository, you can just say:
cvs co public_html/teach/PencilCode/material/k_effective
In order to characterize the accuracy of the numerically evaluated
spatial derivatives, we define effective wavenumbers
The naive way of doing it with a given code is to calculate
keff = d/dx(coskx)/(-sinkx).
Of course, if you are unlucky, you may end up
dividing by zero.
Here is how you can avoid this:
- Define a vector
A = (0, sin kx, cos kx).
- Note that
B = ∇×A = kA.
- Evaluate numerically A.B
- Since |A|=1 we find immediately the
effective wavenumber as
In practice you could just pretend that A
is the magnetic vector potential, put its amplitude to unity,
and work out the magnetic helicity.
This should give you keff.
Note: in the Pencil Code, A is normalized such that
A.B is equal to the input parameter amplaa=1, so
|A| is not one, so we have to divide by |A|,
which is printed under the name "arms".
Next, you can do the same with the second derivatives
by calculating
where J = -∇2A,
which you can pretend to be the current density.
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$Date: 2009/09/22 06:33:36 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.8 $