Schrinner, M., Rädler, K.-H., Schmitt, D., Rheinhardt, M., & Christensen, U.: 2005, ``Mean-field view on rotating magnetoconvection and a geodynamo model,'' Astron. Nachr.326, 245-249 (ADS)
Schrinner, M., Rädler, K.-H., Schmitt, D., Rheinhardt, M., & Christensen, U.: 2007, ``Mean-field concept and direct numerical simulations of rotating magnetoconvection and the geodynamo,'' Geophys. Astrophys. Fluid Dynamics101, 81-116 (ADS)
Brandenburg, A.: 2005, ``Turbulence and its parametrization in accretion discs,'' Astron. Nachr. 326, 787-797
(astro-ph/0510015, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Rädler, K.-H., Rheinhardt, M., & Subramanian, K.: 2008, ``Magnetic quenching of alpha and diffusivity tensors in helical turbulence,'' Astrophys. J. Lett. 687, L49-L52
(arXiv:0805.1287, ADS, PDF)
Tilgner, A., & Brandenburg, A.: 2008, ``A growing dynamo from a saturated Roberts flow dynamo,'' Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 391, 1477-1481
(arXiv:0808.2141, ADS, PDF)
Hubbard, A., Del Sordo, F., Käpylä, P. J., & Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``The
Rheinhardt, M., & Brandenburg, A.: 2010, ``Test-field method for mean-field coefficients with MHD background,'' Astron. Astrophys. 520, A28
(arXiv:1004.0689, ADS, DOI, PDF); see also
note on α-quenching ∝1/B4.
Chatterjee, P., Mitra, D., Rheinhardt, M., & Brandenburg, A.: 2011, ``Alpha effect due to buoyancy instability of a magnetic layer,'' Astron. Astrophys. 534, A46
(arXiv:1011.1218, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Chatterjee, P., Del Sordo, F., Hubbard, A., Käpylä, P. J., & Rheinhardt, M.: 2010, ``Turbulent transport in hydromagnetic flows,'' Phys. Scr. T142, 014028
(arXiv:1004.5380, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Rogachevskii, I., Kleeorin, N., Brandenburg, A., & Eichler, D.: 2012, ``Cosmic ray current-driven turbulence and mean-field dynamo effect,'' Astrophys. J. 753, 6
(arXiv:1204.4246, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Rädler, K.-H., & Schrinner, M.: 2008, ``Scale dependence of alpha effect and turbulent diffusivity,'' Astron. Astrophys. 482, 739-746
(arXiv:0801.1320, ADS, PDF)
Hubbard, A., & Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``Memory effects in turbulent transport,'' Astrophys. J. 706, 712-726
(arXiv:0811.2561, ADS, PDF)
Rheinhardt, M., & Brandenburg, A.: 2012, ``Modeling spatio-temporal nonlocality in mean-field dynamos,'' Astron. Nachr. 333, 71-77
(arXiv:1110.2891, ADS, DOI, HTML, PDF)
Rheinhardt, M., Devlen, E., Rädler, K.-H., & Brandenburg, A.: 2014, ``Mean-field dynamo action from delayed transport,'' Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 441, 116-126
(arXiv:1401.5026, DOI, PDF)
Rogachevskii, I., Kleeorin, N., & Brandenburg, A.: 2018, ``Compressibility effects in turbulent MHD and passive scalar transport: mean-field theory,'' J. Plasma Phys. 84, 735840502
(arXiv:1801.01804, ADS, DOI, PDF)
For non-locality in time (i.e. memory effects),
but without test fields, see also:
Brandenburg, A., Käpylä, P., & Mohammed, A.: 2004, ``Non-Fickian diffusion and tau-approximation from numerical turbulence,'' Phys. Fluids 16, 1020-1027
(astro-ph/0306521, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Rädler, K.-H., Rheinhardt, M.,
& Käpylä, P. J.: 2008, ``Magnetic diffusivity tensor and dynamo effects in rotating
and shearing turbulence,'' Astrophys. J. 676, 740-751
(arXiv:0710.4059, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Schober, J., & Rogachevskii, I.: 2017, ``The contribution of kinetic helicity to turbulent magnetic diffusivity,'' Astron. Nachr. 338, 790-793
(arXiv:1706.03421, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Mitra, D., Käpylä, P. J., Tavakol, R., & Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``Alpha effect and diffusivity in helical turbulence with shear,'' Astron. Astrophys. 495, 1-8
(arXiv:0806.1608, ADS, PDF)
Sur, S., Brandenburg, A., & Subramanian, K.: 2008, ``Kinematic alpha effect in isotropic turbulence simulations,'' Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, L15-L19
(arXiv:0711.3789, ADS, PDF)
Käpylä, P. J., Korpi, M. J., & Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``Alpha effect and turbulent diffusion from convection,'' Astron. Astrophys. 500, 633-646
(arXiv:0812.1792, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Rädler, K.-H., & Kemel, K.: 2012, ``Mean-field transport in stratified and/or rotating turbulence,'' Astron. Astrophys. 539, A35
(arXiv:1108.2264, ADS, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Gressel, O., Käpylä, P. J., Kleeorin, N., Mantere, M. J., Rogachevskii, I.: 2013, ``New scaling for the alpha effect in slowly rotating turbulence,'' Astrophys. J. 762, 127
(arXiv:1208.5004, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., & Chen, E.: 2019, ``The nature of mean-field generation in three classes of optimal dynamos,'' J. Plasma Phys., submitted
(arXiv:1911.01712, ADS, HTML, PDF)
Devlen, E., Brandenburg, A., & Mitra, D.: 2012, ``A mean field dynamo from negative eddy diffusivity,'' Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc., submitted
(arXiv:1212.2626, PDF)
Rädler, K.-H., & Brandenburg, A.: 2009, ``Mean-field effects in the Galloway-Proctor flow,'' Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 393, 113-125
(arXiv:0809.0851, ADS, PDF)
Rheinhardt, M., Devlen, E., Rädler, K.-H., & Brandenburg, A.: 2014, ``Mean-field dynamo action from delayed transport,'' Mon. Not. Roy. Astron. Soc. 441, 116-126
(arXiv:1401.5026, DOI, PDF)
Rädler, K.-H., Brandenburg, A., Del Sordo, F., & Rheinhardt, M.: 2011, ``Mean-field diffusivities in passive scalar and magnetic transport
in irrotational flows,'' Phys. Rev. E 84, 4
(arXiv:1104.1613, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., Svedin, A., & Vasil, G. M.: 2009, ``Turbulent diffusion with rotation or magnetic fields,'' Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 395, 1599-1606
(arXiv:0901.2112, ADS, PDF)
Madarassy, E. J. M., & Brandenburg, A.: 2010, ``Calibrating passive scalar transport in shear-flow turbulence,'' Phys. Rev. E 82, 016304
(arXiv:0906.3314, ADS, PDF)
Kitchatinov, L. L., & Brandenburg, A.: 2012, ``Transport of angular momentum and chemical species by anisotropic mixing in stellar radiative interiors,'' Astron. Nachr. 333, 230-236
(arXiv:1201.2484, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2018, ``Advances in mean-field dynamo theory and applications to astrophysical turbulence,'' J. Plasma Phys. 84, 735840404
(arXiv:1801.05384, ADS, DOI, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2005, ``The case for a distributed solar dynamo shaped by near-surface shear,'' Astrophys. J. 625, 539-547
(astro-ph/0502275, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A., & Subramanian, K.: 2005, ``Astrophysical magnetic fields and nonlinear dynamo theory,'' Phys. Rep. 417, 1-209
(astro-ph/0405052, ADS, PDF)
References and links:
Sur, S., Brandenburg, A., & Subramanian, K.: 2008, ``Kinematic alpha effect in isotropic turbulence simulations,'' Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 385, L15-L19
(arXiv:0711.3789, ADS, PDF)
Brandenburg, A.: 2005, ``The case for a distributed solar dynamo shaped by near-surface shear,'' Astrophys. J. 625, 539-547
(astro-ph/0502275, ADS, PDF)
Vishniac, E. T., & Brandenburg, A.: 1997, ``An incoherent alpha-Omega dynamo in accretion disks,'' Astrophys. J. 475, 263-274
(astro-ph/9510038, ADS, PDF)
See also:
Mean-field dynamo in a homogeneous turbulence with shear and kinetic helicity fluctuations
by N. Kleeorin, I. Rogachevskii,
Generation of magnetic field by combined action of turbulence and shear,
by T. A. Yousef, T. Heinemann, A. A. Schekochihin, N. Kleeorin, I. Rogachevskii, A. B. Iskakov, S. C. Cowley, J. C. McWilliams,
On the effects of turbulence on a screw dynamo,
by K.-H. Rädler and R. Stepanov,
Do mean-field dynamos in nonrotating turbulent shear-flows exist?
by G. Rüdiger and L.L. Kitchatinov,
If you need other papers of Axel Brandenburg, just download the pdf file from
Nonlinear and quasi-kinematic test-field method
effect with imposed and dynamo-generated magnetic fields,'' Monthly Notices Roy. Astron. Soc. 398, 1891-1899
(arXiv:0904.2773, ADS, PDF)
Memory effects in space and time
Helical and nonhelical turbulence, with and without shear
Stratified turbulence
Spherical Geometry
Warnecke, J., Rheinhardt, M., Käpylä, P. J., Käpylä, M. J., & Brandenburg, A.: 2018, ``Turbulent transport coefficients in spherical wedge dynamo simulations of solar-like stars,'' Astron. Astrophys. 609, A51
(arXiv:1601.03730, ADS, DOI, HTML, PDF)
Galloway-Proctor, Taylor-Green, as well as Roberts-II, III, and IV flows
Potential flows
Passive scalar advection
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