Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to multi-dimensional condensation and collection

by Xiang-Yu Li, A. Brandenburg, N. E. L. Haugen, and G. Svensson

  • Eulerian Smoluchowski and Lagrangian superdroplet/superparticle approaches to cloud droplet growth through condensation and collection are compared using DNS techniques
  • Size spectra agree well for both approaches, especially in case of turbulence
  • The Lagrangian scheme with symmetric collection is found to be optimal and compu- 19 tationally most efficient


  • Li, X.-Y., Brandenburg, A., Haugen, N. E. L., & Svensson, G.: 2017, ``Eulerian and Lagrangian approaches to multi-dimensional condensation and collection,'' J. Adv. Model. Earth Syst., submitted (arXiv:1604.08169, HTML, PDF)

    Run directories:

  • Fig. 1: Run 1A, Run 1B
  • Fig. 2: Run 2A, Run 2B, Run 2C
  • Fig. 4: Run 3A, Run 3B, Run 3C, Run 3D, Run 3E, Run 3F
  • Fig. 6: Run 4A, Run 4B, Run 4C, Run 4D, Run 4E
  • Fig. 7: Run 5A, Run 5B
  • Fig. B.1: Run AppB4, Run AppB5, Run AppE1
  • Fig. B.2: Run AppB1, Run AppB2, Run AppB3
  • Fig. C.1: Run AppC7, Run AppC8, Run AppC9, Run AppC5, Run AppC6, Run AppC10, Run AppC1, Run AppC2, Run AppC3, Run AppC4
  • Fig. D.1: Run AppE1, Run AppE2, Run 2A, Run AppE3, Run AppE4, Run AppE5, Run 4D, Run 5A, Run AppB3

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    Axel Brandenburg
    $Date: 2020/10/10 17:17:15 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.21 $