Run directories related to some past research projects
Isotropic homogeneous MHD turbulence
Hydrodynamic and hydromagnetic energy spectra from large eddy simulations
Inverse transfer in non-helical MHD
Classes of hydrodynamic and MHD decay (Brandenburg & Kahniashvili 2017)
The turbulent chiral - magnetic cascade in the early universe
Dynamo effect in decaying helical turbulence
Magnetic helicity dissipation in an ideal MHD code
Scaling of the Hosking integral in decaying magnetically-dominated turbulence (Zhou, Brandenburg, Sharma 2022)
The role of magnetic helicity when it is absent on average (Brandenburg & Larsson 2023)
Inverse cascading for initial MHD turbulence spectra between Saffman and Batchelor (Brandenburg, Sharma, Vachaspati 2023)
Resistivity-controlled nonhelical magnetic turbulence decay (Brandenburg, Neronov, Vazza 2024)
Batchelor, Saffman, and Kazantsev spectra in galactic small-scale dynamos (Brandenburg, Zhou, Sharma 2023)
Dissipative magnetic structures and scales in small-scale dynamos (Brandenburg, Rogachevskii, Schober 2023)
Hosking integral in nonhelical Hall cascade
Decay law of magnetic turbulence with helicity balanced by chiral fermions (Brandenburg, Kamada, Schober 2023)
Chiral Magnetohydrodynamics with Zero Total Chirality
Turbulent magnetic decay controlled by two conserved quantities (Brandenburg & Banerjee 2025)
Magnetically-assisted Vorticity Production in Decaying Acoustic Turbulence (Brandenburg & Scannapieco 2025)
Cross-helically forced and decaying hydromagnetic turbulence (Brandenburg & Oughton 2018)
Numerical simulations of gravitational waves from early-universe turbulence
Circular polarization of gravitational waves from early-universe helical turbulence
Gravitational waves from the chiral magnetic effect
Relic Gravitational Waves from the Chiral Plasma Instability in the Standard Cosmological Model (Brandenburg, Clarke, Kahniashvili, Long, & Sun)
Can we observe the QCD phase transition-generated gravitational waves through pulsar timing arrays?
Spectrum of turbulence-sourced gravitational waves as a constraint on graviton mass
Simulating relic gravitational waves from inflationary magnetogenesis
Simulations of helical inflationary magnetogenesis and gravitational waves
Leading-order nonlinear gravitational waves from reheating magnetogeneses
Big bang nucleosynthesis limits and relic gravitational waves detection prospects
Low frequency tail of gravitational wave spectra from hydromagnetic turbulence
Modified propagatino of gravitational waves from the early radiation era
Steepness of the gravitational wave spectrum from phase transitions
Shallow relic gravitational wave spectrum with acoustic peak (Sharma, Dahl, Brandenburg, & Hindmarsh 2023)
Galaxy & interstellar medium: cooling instability, potential turbulence
Hemispheric handedness in the Galactic synchrotron polarization foreground (Brandenburg & Brüggen 2020)
Application of a helicity proxy to edge-on galaxies
Random expansion waves
Spectral characterisation of inertial particle clustering in turbulence
Supersonic turbulence
Thermal instability
Dynamo effect in unstirred self-gravitating turbulence
Galactic Dynamos
Convection, ionization, radiation, & mixing
Cartesian convection with Kramers opacicty
1-D simulations with hydrogen ionization
The time step constraint in radiation hydrodynamics
Turbulent front speed in the Fisher equation: dependence on Damköhler number
Turbulent radiative diffusion and turbulent Newtonian cooling
Ambipolar diffusion in large Prandtl number turbulence (Brandenbug 2019)
Two-scale method of measuring magnetic helicity
Large-scale helicity spectra
Working directory for helicityastroplas
Coagulation & condensation in turbulent flows
Effect of turbulence on collisional growth of cloud droplets
Cloud droplet growth due to supersaturation fluctuations in stratiform clouds
Collision fluctuations of lucky droplets with superdroplets
Test-field method for computing dynamo coefficients
Magnetic quenching of alpha and diffusivity tensors in helical turbulence
Fully compressible test-field method and its application to shear dynamos
Modeling spatio-temporal nonlocality in mean-field dynamos
A mean field dynamo from negative eddy diffusivity
Strong nonlocality variations in a spherical mean-field dynamo
Magnetic helicity and fluxes in an inhomogeneous α dynamo
The effect of a dynamo-generated field on the Parker wind
Optimal Dynamos (Brandenburg & Chen 2020)
Kinetic Dynamo (Pusztai, Juno, Brandenburg, et al. 2020)
Cross-helicity effect on alpha-type dynamo in non-equilibrium turbulence (Mizerski, Yokoi, Brandenburg 2023)
Magnetic helicity fluxes in dynamos from rotating inhomogeneous turbulence (Brandenburg & Vishniac 2024)
Memory effects in turbulent transport (Hubbard & Brandenburg 2009)
Magnetohydrodynamics predicts heavy-tailed distributions of axion-photon conversion (Carenza, Sharma, Marsh, et al. 2023)
Backreaction of axion-SU(2) dynamics during inflation (Iarygina, Sfakianakis, Sharma, & Brandenburg 2023)
Magnetogenesis from axion-SU(2) inflation
Lattice simulations of axion-U(1) inflation: gravitational waves, magnetic fields, and black holes (Sharma et al. 2024)
Spectra of magnetic fields from electroweak symmetry breaking (Vachaspati & Brandenburg 2024)
Spreading layer on neutron stars
Hall cascade with fractional magnetic helicity in neutron star crusts
Reality of Inverse Cascading in Neutron Star Crusts (Dehman & Brandenburg 2024)
Confronting the neutron star population with inverse cascades
Negative effective magnetic pressure instability
Surface flux concentrations in a spherical α2 dynamo
Electromagnetic Conversion into Kinetic and Thermal Energies (Brandenburg & Protiti 2023)
Relaxation of writhe and twist of a bi-helical magnetic field (Yousef & Brandenburg 2003)
Helicity effect on turbulent passive and active scalar diffusivities (Brandenburg, Käpylä, Rogachevskii, & Yokoi 2025)
Inverse cascade from helical and nonhelical decaying columnar magnetic fields (Brandenburg, Yi, & Wu 2025)
Other data
Spectral magnetic helicity of solar active regions between 2006 and 2017
Piecewise quadratic growth during the 2019 novel coronavirus epidemic
Quadratic growth during the COVID-19 pandemic: merging hotspots and reinfections
Axel Brandenburg
$Date: 2025/03/04 20:09:36 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.93 $