* Pencil Code Steering Committee Skype Meeting 2016-12-12 - Time :: 21:00 – 22:40 CET - Participants :: - Axel Brandenburg - Wolfgang Dobler - Nils Haugen - Anders Johansen - Matthias Rheinhardt - Author of these minutes :: Wolfgang ** Selection of Chairman Axel was elected as chairman of the committee The chairperson - is elected for one year - calls meetings - chairs meetings - puts minutes online ** Terms of Reference [For details, see the latest draft, which will be circulated soon] - We draft the Terms of Reference (ToR) - Send them to all Owners - Discuss at the next User Meeting - Vote during the next User Meeting or shortly thereafter - Quorum: 2/3 of all Voters - “Major changes to ToR should wait until the next User Meeting” The meaning of /major changes/ is to be determined by the committee; examples include: - terms of election - terms of including new (or excluding existing) Owners - Major code changes: e.g. not backwards-compatible features that are not optional (i.e. cannot be selected / deselected by switching modules) - Who may vote [on the committee, and on the Terms of Reference]? → E.g. Owners + some more Committers? (This question will need to be clarified at the next PCSC meeting.) - Thus we would have - Owners - Voters - Committers(?) and need to define their relationship - How often should we meet? Suggestions were: - 6 times a year - 3 times a year - once a year (2 months before the User Meeting), plus on demand - in that case, it must be easy to convene a meeting when an issue comes up - We inform Owners of upcoming meetings - Owners can request a committee meeting