Items to be filled in on the computing form:

  • Name of project:
  • Project numbers (see
  • Abstract:
  • Estimated maximum disk usage during the project time
  • Estimated job memory usage per core (in Mbytes)
  • Estimated number of cores per job Akka 100 x 1000 core hours/month Abisko 200 x 1000 core hours/month Lindgren 50 x 1000 core hours/month Nordic HPC 50 x 1000 core hours/month (Iceland, managed by Uppsala) Glenn 50 x 1000 core hours/month (Goethenburg) Jukka Komminaho NHPC, called Gardar (Iceland machine)

  • manage SNIC projects
  • Norweb

    $Date: 2024/01/03 09:49:34 $, $Author: brandenb $, $Revision: 1.26 $